在迈向胜利的东谈主生谈路上,窘境无处不在。要想开脱负面情感,同意精神男同 小说,最浅薄的要领莫过于阅读一册励志文籍,从胜利东谈主士的申饬中接纳前行的力量。《资产》在此为您盘货史上最畅销的7本自我发展类文籍。
1. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (1936) 《东谈主性的时弊:若何赢得一又友并影响他东谈主》 作家:戴尔•卡耐基(1936年)
Carnegie's classic self-help book counts people as diverse as oracular investor Warren Buffet and murder-mastermind Charles Manson among its acolytes. The book, which comprises a recipe for getting ahead, has sold more than 15 million copies since it was first published. Transcribed with help from a stenographer (at the suggestion of a Simon & Schuster exec who heard Carnegie speak), this likeability manual spawned from a popular lecture course taught by Carnegie. Here's a nugget of Carnegie's counsel: "You can't win an argument. You can't because if you lose it, you lose it; and if you win it, you lose it." 这是卡耐基经典的自我匡助类文章,股神沃伦•巴菲特和杀东谈主魔王查尔斯•曼森齐是本书的信徒。书中包含一系列取得胜利的诀要,自初次出书以来已卖出跳动1,500万本。这本东谈主际相关手册的出书成绩于又名速记员的匡助(阐明一位听过卡耐基演讲的西蒙与舒斯了得版公司高管的忽视),本色取自卡耐基颇受迎接的演授课程本色。卡耐基有一句名言:“你不能能赢得争论。因为要是你输了,你天然也就输了;要是你赢了,可你如故输了。”
2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (1937) 《念念考致富》 作家:拿破仑•希尔(1937年)
Urged by steel magnate Andrew Carnegie to research what underpins the fortunes of the world's most powerful people, Napoleon Hill spent more than 20 years studying well-known financial front-runners. Inside he bottled "the Carnegie secret," distilling knowledge from such captains of industry as Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, and, of course, Carnegie. Among those influenced by Hill's "philosophy of achievement" is boxer Ken Norton, who cited Hill as inspiration after defeating and breaking the jaw of Muhammad Ali. As an L.A. Times sportswriter once wrote of the match: "The credit belongs to a famous man of the past named Napoleon. Not the Emperor of France; this one is Napoleon Hill." 拿破仑•希尔受好意思国钢铁大王安德鲁•卡内基饱读励,对是什么撑持着全寰宇最有权势者的资产进行看望,他用20多年技能联系了最知名的大亨。他在书中回来了多位行业魁首的资格,包括托马斯•爱迪生、亨利•福特、约翰•D•洛克菲勒和卡内基,破解了“卡内基的致富诀要”。受希尔“胜利形而上学”影响的名东谈主包括肯•诺顿,他在打败默罕默德•阿里并击碎他的下巴后,默示我方受到了希尔的启发。一位《洛杉矶时报》(L.A. Times)的体育记者曾这么形色这场比赛:“诺顿的胜利要归功于一位已故的名东谈主拿破仑。他并作恶国的天子;他是拿破仑•希尔。”
3. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale (1952) 《积极念念考的力量》 作家:诺曼•文森特•皮尔(1952年)
Turn that frown upside-down: In the relentlessly upbeat world of post-World War II America, where everything seemed like it was on the rise and always would be, Peale optimistically codified simple procedures for "mastering the problems of everyday living." Don't be defeated, he counsels. The book "is written with the sole objective of helping the reader achieve a happy, satisfying, and worthwhile life." 不要眉头紧锁:二战后的好意思国一派郁勃,一切似乎齐百废俱兴,而且会一直陆续下去,皮尔乐不雅地编写出一套旨在“治理通俗生涯贫困”的毛糙要领。他忠告读者:不要被打败。这本书“唯唯一个策划:匡助读者赢得幸福完全、有价值的生涯。”
4. I'm OK—You're OK by Thomas Anthony Harris (1969) 《我好!你也好!》 作家:托马斯•安东尼•哈里斯(1969年)
In the 1950s, psychiatrist Eric Berne expanded on Freud's theories of psychoanalysis to develop his own system of diagnosis and therapy called Transactional Analysis. Rather than speculating about the unconscious mind to explain human behavior, Berne schematized social interactions—aka his "transactions." Harris, one of Berne's close disciples, took Berne's ideas and ran with them, promoting the methodology in his pop-psych paragon I'm OK—You're OK. Harris' book became even more influential than Berne's own and has made a host of pop cultural cameos, including in sitcoms like The Odd Couple, Taxi, and Seinfeld. The child, a transactional analyst might say, surpassed the parent. 上世纪50年代,神经病学巨匠埃里克•伯恩进一步推崇了佛洛依德的精神分析表面,并酿成了我方的会诊与治疗体系:交互分析 (Transactional Analysis)。伯恩并非通过预计潜意志来证明东谈主类活动,而是将社会互动系统化——也即是他的“交互”。伯恩的爱徒哈里斯接管了他的表面,并将其付诸试验,在其环球情态学经典作品《我好!你也好》中宣传了交互分析要领。哈里斯的文籍在影响力方面以致杰出了伯恩的作品,并曾在很多流行文化作品中出现,鬼父漫画包括现象笑剧《光棍公寓》(The Odd Couple)、《出租车》(Taxi)和《宋飞正传》(Seinfeld)。按照交互分析师的说法,伯恩可谓后起之秀而胜于蓝。
5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey (1989) 《高效用东谈主士的七个民风》 作家:史蒂芬•R•柯维(1989年)
Managerial magician Stephen Covey became a much sought-after exec-whisperer after publishing his seven-maxim wisdom. Offering sharp saws like Be Proactive (Habit No. 1), Think Win-Win (No. 4), and, well, Sharpen the Saw (No. 7), the book delivers succinct, memorable advice. Covey, a onetime teacher at Brigham Young University's School of Management and co-founder of its Department of Organizational Behavior, eventually set up a consulting business to market his insights. While Covey's axioms may come as no surprise to some, it's the book's digestible structure that wins him converts—including former President Bill Clinton, who once invited Covey to Camp David for personal guidance. 这部照顾学经典之作出书后,照顾学巨匠史蒂芬•柯维成了极受迎接的高管导师。书中为读者提供了粗略但令东谈主操心长远的忽视,如积极主动(民风1)、双赢念念维(民风4)和不停更新(民风7)。柯维曾任杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University)照顾学院讲师,亦然该校组织活动学系的勾搭首创东谈主,他其后竖立了我方的盘考公司,宣传我方的表面。柯维的表面天然对有些东谈主而言并不簇新,但本书易于通晓的结构却为他赢得了多数拥护者,好意思国前总统比尔•克林顿曾邀请柯维赶赴戴维营对他进行个东谈主训诲。
6. Chicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (1993) 《心灵鸡汤》 作家:杰克•坎菲尔德与马克•维克多•汉森(1993年)
Conceived of as a collection of 101 inspiring stories more than two decades ago, the book begat a mega-franchise. Motivational speakers Canfield and Hansen took on the original project after their audience members solicited them to compile anecdotes from their talks. Snowballing into more than 250 titles and selling more than 110 million copies in the U.S. and Canada, the series has become a fixture of bookshelves across the world. Sold in 2008 to three new owners, the franchise has not lost steam. It has since launched a YouTube Channel and comfort food lines for both pets and humans. 20年前构想本书时,作家仅仅但愿编撰一册由101篇荧惑东谈主心的故事构成的书册,未尝想“心灵鸡汤”最终演变为一个广泛的特准狡计品牌。励志演讲家坎菲尔德与汉森当初入辖下手这个项策划原因是,有听众苦求他们将演讲中提到的故事裁剪成册。如今,该文籍系列还是跳动250种,在好意思国与加拿大的总销量跳动 1.1亿本,辞寰宇其他国度也大受迎接。2008年,该文籍的特准狡计权被出售,但其热度不减,先后推出一个YouTube频谈,以及针对宠物和东谈主类的安危食物系列。
7. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (2006) 《神秘》 作家:朗达•拜恩(2006年)
Echoing the language of Hill and "the Carnegie secret," Byrne produced a Da Vinci Code-esque video documentary claiming to reveal life-changing arcana in 2006. Her book of the same name quickly followed, receiving a major popularity boost from The Oprah Winfrey Show. Byrne's premise is based on the "law of attraction": positive thinking begets positive results. Cosmic magnetism and will power bring health, wealth, and happiness, Byrne says. She cites Einstein, Edison, and Galileo as famous possessors of this secret knowledge. Building on her own success, Byrne has continued to spread the word in soulful sequels such as The Power and The Magic. 2006年,拜恩制作了一部访佛《达芬奇密码》(Da Vinci Code)的视频记录片,与希尔和“卡内基致富诀要”使用的言语山鸣谷应。这部记录片宣称解开了粗放调动生涯的玄妙。她很快便推出了同名文籍,并因《奥普拉脱口秀》(Oprah Winfrey Show)的率性推选而畅销一时。拜恩的表面基于“劝诱力章程”:积极的念念考会带来积极的后果。拜恩默示,天地劝诱力和意志力粗放带来健康、资产和幸福。她以为爱因斯坦、爱迪生和伽利略等齐掌抓了这一玄妙。借助这本书大成功利的东风,拜恩随后又推出震荡灵魂的续篇《力量》(The Power)和《魅力》(The Magic),陆续宣传我方的表面。
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